
Glitters Sorry For The Spam !

If you have been spamming your friends lately or is about to - send these glitters to them and maybe they won't kill you!

"Spam - sorry!"

Spam Glitter

"Spam - sorry!"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for the Spam
My acount got like fished or something"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for the spam my account's
been giving you!"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for the spam!"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for the spam! green"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for the spam! blue"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for the spam! green 2"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry about the spam
my account's heen sending to you"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for the spam! orange"

Spam Glitter

"Sorry for all of the spam!"

Spam Glitter

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