
Random Anime Icons - Cute, Glittery, Funny, Love...

Random Anime Icons I made!! :D If you see them around it's probably because I sold some packs XD... Feel free to grab as many as you want to use on your livejournal, msn, post the codes on your site... ^_^ XP-tan, random anime art, Angel Tail, Ojamajo do-re-mi, cutee bunnies, Oh my goddess (Ah-megami sama), Lain, lolipops and Clamp ^_^

Icons for livejournal and msn - Mazakasu Katsura, Video Girl Ai, Aizu, DNA2 ...

Mazakasu Katsura icons, from the anime and the manga: Video girl Ai, I"z (Aizu), DNA², Shadow Lady, etc...

Yes, I made them! :D Please credit if you use, thanks! o^__^o You can use them on livejournal, blogs, sites, msn avatars and more.