
livejournal icons - glitter anime set 01

So, i made a bunch of colorful shiny icons. Yeah, all of them with glitter. *_* From random anime images... I want to make moooore. But i'm a little tired. XD
Enjoy ;;

They're evry random... I know some are from Evangelion, Fate Stay Night, Lucky Star, some cgs... Ahh. x_x



Much love to you if you link glitter candy box!
If you want to support the site, feel free to grab a banner or a button here and promote at your website, blog, journal or userinfo. Thanks a lot! Muachhhsss...





* Rules *

~♥~ If you take anything, just give GLITTER CANDY BOX some credits if you feel like doing, please.
~♥~ You can edit icons or bases if you want (like adding words, animations, transparency, whatever).
~♥~ Do not remove the layout credits if you take layouts.
~♥~ Do NOT share my graphics on different websites unless I state it's ok to do so.
~♥~ You may share your creations with my graphic resources and etc.
~♥~ That's all for now, thanks! =)

* About *

~♥~Welcome to GLITTER CANDY BOX, in this website you will find several types of icons, layouts, friends only banners, buttons, styles, patterns, brushes, textures, glitter graphics, stuff for myspace, and more...
~♥~Feel free to search for the icons/layouts/graphics of your interest.
~♥~I spend a lot of time making graphics for you all to use so please give me some credits if you do so. Thanks :D