
Punk Skull Backgrounds

Several backgrounds with stripes and skulls, all tileable for your page. Choose your favorite color!
Remember to save the image before using. :)


Photoshop, Color Orbs Tutorial

This is a Photoshop CS5 tutorial. Other versions should be similar, if not the same.
On this tutorial you will learn how to make color orbs on a image!

Learn how to do this:

1) Open up your image. Go to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate. or/ Shift + CTRL + U
This will make your image black and white. If your picture is looking a little dull and you want to boost it up, sort this out using Levels. Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels.

Toggle with the 'Input Levels' using the arrows to drag left and right until you are satisfied.

2) Now create a new layer pressing that button.

3) Press the brush tool on the side bar which should be on the left.

4) Right click on your picture to find the SOFT brushes

Now... If you can't find these brushes when you right clicked, press the PLAY button and go to Basic Brushes, then Append.

5) The size of the brush depends on how big you want the 'blob' to be on your image. I chose 300 px, as my image is not overly big.

6) Time to choose a colour. I have opted for pink. To do this, click on the swatches tool on the sidebar. (In my image, it's pink. Click on that part to choose your colour)

7) Now that you have the brush set with the colour. Hover over the image and press over the image where you want your 'blob' to go. Make sure this is on the 'blank' new layer.

8) On the layer box, change the effects box from 'Normal' to 'Screen.'

Ta da! Now have fun adding more color orbs choosing different colors.


Photoshop tutorial, Adding borders on images

This tutorial uses Photoshop CS5 but other versions should be similar, if not the same.
Adding borders onto an image may give your image a much more precise and finished look.

eating chocolate

1) Open up your image on Photoshop.

photoshop selection

2) Press CTRL+A on your keyboard to select the entire image

3) Go to Edit > Stroke.

4) This will now come up. You can choose the colour of your border by clicking on the white patch next to 'Color'. The higher the number you put on the stroke width, the thicker it will be.

5) (choosing a colour by the palette) Press ok if you're happy with the colour and it will take you back to the previous option.
When you're back to the previous option, press ok. The border will now appear on your photo :)

Now, the Finished images...

Please note, the size of the image can also depend on the border width. The example image on this tutorial is only 350 x 233 pixels, so a 3 pixel border would definitely show. However if the image was 1000 x 665 and you set it on 3px, I could imagine that the border stroke would be hard to see so a higher stroke width would be needed.